Read More » News The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust: Embracing Technological Advancements in Radiation Therapy The Royal Marsden, in London, UK, opened its doors in 1851 as the world’s first Read More »
Purpose:Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is increasingly being used for the management of localized prostate cancer. This trend combined with declining use of brachytherapy (BT) has pushed issues and questions regarding the use of SBRT to the forefront. A systematic literature review was ...
SBRT for clinically localized prostate cancer was well tolerated, with an early biochemical response similar to other radiation therapy treatments. Benign PSA bounces were common. Late GI and GU toxicity rates were comparable to conventionally fractionated radiation therapy and brachytherapy. Late urinary ...
Radiotherapy is an increasingly preferred treatment option for localized prostate cancer, and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) a relatively established modality of therapeutic irradiation. The present study analyzes the toxicity and biochemical efficacy of SBRT in 100 consecutive prostate cancer ...
into the long-term outcomes of this therapy. “SBRT trials continue to accrue and to extend follow-up,” says King. He adds that further trials with greater numbers of participants and longer follow-up are needed before SBRT can be considered a standard of care for men with prostate cancer...
Aneja S, Pratiwadi RR, Yu JB. Hypofractionated radiation therapy for prostate cancer: risks and potential benefits in a fiscally conservative health care system. Oncology. 2012. Google Scholar Aneja S, Yu JB. Comparative effectiveness research in radiation oncology: stereotactic radiosurgery, Hypofractio...
Oligometastatic prostate cancer is a limited metastatic disease state in which potential long-term control is still possible with the use of targeted therapies such as surgery or stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). SBRT may as well potentially prolong the time before the initiation of androgen...
Background ?Local radiation therapy of metastases in prostate cancer patients has become increasingly important in recent years. In order to improve the evaluation of the outcome, we have studied oligometastatic prostate cancer patients who were treated with stereotactic radiation therapy. Patients and me...
Francolini et al found that the addition of stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) to first-line abiraterone acetate and prednisone resulted in a significantly higher rate of biochemical response among patients with oligometastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer, as well as improv...
Radiation damages the DNA of your cancer cells so they can no longer grow and divide. Eventually, thecancer cellsdie and your tumor gets smaller. SBRT is an "external radiation therapy," which means a doctor directs the radiation at the tumor from outside your body. ...