参考资料 [1] Haasbeek CJ, Lagerwaard FJ, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Outcomesof stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for centrally located early一stage lung cancer.J Thorac Oncol 2011;6(12):2036-2043. [2] ChangJY, Balter PA, Dong L, e...
标题:Is stereotactic body radiotherapy an effective treatment in metastatic lung cancer with oligoprogressive disease. 期刊:Acta Oncologica(IF 4.311)Pub Date:2023-03-11 作者:Michele Aquilano, Mauro Loi, Luca Visani, et al 地址:DOI:10.1080/0284186x.2023....
2018, 19, 3963; doi:10.3390/ijms19123963 Preliminary Study of the Effect of Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) on the Immune System in Lung Cancer Patients Unfit for Surgery:Immunophenotyping Analysis发布于 2023-03-21 15:55・IP 属地上海...
在荷兰进行的2项手术与SBRT治疗早期肺癌的前瞻性III期研究,ROSEL(Trial of Either Surgery or Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Early Stage Lung Cancer)和STARS(Randomized Study to Compare Cyberknife to Surgical Resection in Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer),都由于医生和病人的认识(对手术的笃信)问题而使入...
Oligometastatic disease it is a common situation in our daily clinical practice. Non-invasive treatments as a SBRT can be a feasible therapeutic choice. We present our preliminary experience using single fraction of 34Gy in solitary lesions localized in Lung. Objectives. Main aim of this report ...
16、 Siegel R, Xu J, Ward E (2010) Cancer statistics, 2010. CA Cancer J Clin 60:2773005. Juettner-Smolle FMLJ, Matzi V, Neubock N (2010) Resection in stage I/II non-small cell lung cancer. In: Controversies in the treatment of lung cancer. J H (ed) Karger, Basel, Switzerland,...
Lung cancer continues to be one of the most prevalent malignancies worldwide and is the leading cause of death in both men and women. Presently, local control rates are quite poor. Improvements in imaging and radiation treatment delivery systems however have provided radiation oncologists with new...
Dr. Daly:Stereotactic quantitative radiotherapy (SBRT), sometimes also referred to as stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR), has become a standard-of-care treatment for patients with medically inoperable early-stage non-small cell lung cancer, or for patients who decline to have surgery, for any...
Meng R. Long-term survival after stereotactic body radiotherapy combined with immunotherapy plus anti-angiogenesis therapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer and EGFR exon 20 insertion mutation: a report of two cases. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2023 Nov 30;12(11):2330-2341. doi...
Long-term survival after stereotactic body radiotherapy combined with immunotherapy plus anti-angiogenesis therapy in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer and EGFR exon 20 insertion mutation: a report of two cases. Transl Lung Cancer Res. 2023 Nov 30;12(11):2330-2341. doi: 10.21037...