whereTEi,tdenotes the efficiency score of bankiat timet,TEi,t−1denotes the efficiency score of bankiat timet − 1,αis a constant term,βis a convergence coefficient, andεitis the error term. The parameters are estimated using the fixed-effects panel data estimation method. Ifβis...
This paper constructs a three-stage Slacks-Based Measure (SBM) model to evaluate and analyze the total-factor energy efficiency (TFEE) of 276 cities in China during the period of 2000–2012 from the management and environment dual perspectives according to the principles of multi-stage Data Enve...
只是我们在抖音等短视频平台上看到的那些平民做火的IP,无一例外成了广告代理,他们在内容精细化打磨中逐渐被资本异化,而这些人好歹还算是幸运儿。因为能够被大众广泛看见的,被流量追捧的,被资本选中的幸运儿IP实则是大浪淘沙,十不存一的幸存者偏差现象。 然而对于想打造自己品牌产品并卖出货的老板们,真正适合你们的...