Note the SBI credit card has access to all your funds, it should be kept safe not to leak information. Avoid saving card details on any site or mobile applications or using the card on suspicious websites. Ensure you sign the back of the card to avoid anyone from using it for their be...
Clearly shows illegal activity of tracking and violating individual privacy. They do not have the courage to name which regulatory authority and what guidelines. Fraudulently blocking customers from accessing their card info on the app without granting them GPS location. Multiple feedbacks have not ...
Usually, after receiving new debit card request, bank sends a message when it dispatches customer's card along with speed post tracking ID. Once you receive your card, you will need to activate it for the first time. For that purpose, read this post, 'How to set debit card PIN in SBI...
Practice Mock Papers: Practicing mock papers on a regular basis can help candidates to understand the question pattern and also assist in tracking their progress from time to time. Refer SBI SO Books & Study Materials: Candidates should refer to a variety of SBI SO books and study materials av...