Those candidates, who attain marks as per the specified SBI Clerk Mains cutoff (category-wise & state-wise), make place in the final merit list. After the Mains exam, SBI does not conduct any interview. However, a Local Language Test is conducted (if applicable), for the candidates who a...
SBI Clerk Mains 2023: Check the latest syllabus for SBI Clerk Mains General/ Financial Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, General English at Embibe.
Prepare for the SBI Clerk Mains exam with the Free OnlineSBI Clerk Mock TestSeries. Also, refer to the links given below and prepare for the SBI Clerk exam: SBI Clerk Previous Year Question Paper with Solutions Online Bank Exam Quiz
SBI Clerk 2024 Selection Procedure The selection process of the SBI Clerk consists of 2 phases (preliminary and mains). The candidates must qualify each of them to go on to the next phase. The important steps of the SBI Clerk Recruitment Procedure are as follows: Online Preliminary Examinati...
SBI Clerk 2023 recruitment process is yet to start. The State Bank of India released theSBI Clerk Result 2022 for the Mains exam on March 10, 2023, along with the scorecard and qualifying marks on 13th March 2023 . The SBI Clerk Result for Prelims Exam has been officially declared by SBI...
SBI Clerk Recruitment 2023: The State Bank of India (SBI) holds the SBI Clerk Exam to recruit candidates for the position of Junior Associates (Customer Support and Sales) in its various branches across the country. Moreover, the SBI Clerk 2023 notification is released on November 16, 2023,...
SBI has declared the results of SBI Clerk Mains examination 2023. Over 5000 junior associates will be recruited through this recruitment drive.
Exam is objective type computer-based test (there is a descriptive paper in Mains) of 100 and 200 Marks respectively. The Exam date for Prelims Exam are 5th, 6th, 11th, and 12th January 2024. Those who applied for the SBI Clerk 2023, must check the step by step selection process here....
The SBI PO Mains is also held online. The SBI PO Mains question paper can be divided into two portions - subjective and objective portion. 155 objective type questions are asked excluding a subjective type question in SBI PO Mains.
The number of attempts is typically restricted as per the age limit and it may vary for different categories. The maximum age limit is the limit that the candidtaes can apply for the SBI Clerk Popular Online Live Classes Sankalp SBI Clerk 2025 | Pre + Mains | Online Live Classes by Adda...