2014b . SbHKT1; 4, a member of the high-affinity potassium transporter gene family from Sorghum bicolor, functions to maintain optimal Na + /K + balance under Na + stress . J. Integr. Plant Biol. 56 : 315 – 332 .Wang T T, Ren Z J, Liu Z Q, et al. SbHKT1;4, a member ...
"I made a small hole and went into the basket to eat the corn.Now I(4) can't go(not go)out from the hole," the mouse answered. The rabbit said,"It is(5) becauseyou ate too much.Wait until your belly becomes smaller."Then the rabbit left. The mouse stayed...
ABOUT THE BRAND 1958 年,Jeff Foster 和 Joe Foster 兄弟创立了锐步这个运动品牌,几十年来一直是街头服饰的主流品牌。以品牌 80 年代和 90 年代系列运动鞋的醒目经典外观闻名于世,Reebok 运动鞋沿袭一直以来的经典造型,...
基因组学 与应用生物学 , 2010, 29(4):646-652.高媛媛,张保龙,杨郁文,沈新莲,倪万潮.海蓬子中高亲和钾离子转运体SbHKT1基因的克隆、表达及生物信息学分析[J]. 基因组学与应用生物学.2010(04)高媛媛,张保龙,杨郁文,沈新莲,倪万潮. 海蓬子中高亲和钾离子转运体SbHKT1基因的克隆、表达及生物信息学分析[J...