Qinertia PPK 软件提供先进的高精度定位解决方案。 GNSS +IMU 后处理 大地测量引擎 PPK 和 PPP-RTK 处理 直接访问 CORS 网络 发现 Qinertia 全球导航卫星系统INS 全星座(GPS、Glonass、Galileo、Beidou)和全频率后处理。 INS 处理:全球导航卫星系统 + 惯性数据 + 外部辅助传感器。 多种处理模式:PPK 短基线、...
SBG Systems manufacture MEMS INS-GPS, AHRS, IMU inertial sensors & miniature inertial navigation systems for drones, UAV, UGVs, AUVs & autonomous vehicles. High performance, high accuracy & ITAR-free
SBG系统公司的后处理软件Qinertia可以从164个国家的7,000多个基站访问离线RTK校正。通过在前向和后向上处理惯性数据和原始GNSS可观测量,极大地改善了轨迹和方向。该高级软件还可计算基站位置,以快速获得可达厘米级的预测精度。 Quanta UAV传感器是基于SBG系统公司在无人机导航微型技术和移动测绘高端传感器领域的专业技术。...
With new features for UAV Photogrammetry, such as image geotagging and specific outputs, Qinertia can dramatically reduce the need of GCP and maximize ROI with an optimal workflow. Qinertia covers all surveying applications, now including UAV Photogrammetry!
Qinertia GNSS-INS Full constellation (GPS, Glonass, Galileo, Beidou) and full frequency post-processing. INS processing: GNSS + Inertial data + external aiding sensors. Multiple processing mode: PPK short baseline, PPK long baseline (Ionoshield), PPP-RTK, multi-base (VBS). Modern, with an ...
适用范围 UAV GNSS Pro微型惯性导航系统微型航资参考系统/轻型 适用领域 微型INS双天线GPS惯性导航系统非ITAR惯性导航系统高精 适用行业 Navisght Quanta Plus Extra Pulse-40 Qinertia Lite 稳定度 100 用途范围 Apogee-E Apogee-D Navsight Marine Horizon Grade 月产量 10000 制造商 SBG Systems 可售...
Qinertia后处理软件:Qinertia Lite, Qinertia GNSS, Qinertia UAV以及Qinertia Pro。西安泰迪机电工程有限公司是法国SBG公司(http://www.sbg-systems.com/)国内唯一(授权)服务商 查询网址:http://www.sbg-systems.com/company/distributors西安泰迪机电工程有限公司是美国共和电子公司(http://www.airco-international.com...
SBG Systems公司研发和生产惯性测量单元、航姿参考系统和惯性卫星组合导航产品,主要有:Ellipse、Ekinox、Apogee系列及Navsight陆空/海洋解决方案,Quanta UAV以及Qinertia后处理软件。 Ellipse系列产品(全新第三代),主要有Ellipse Micro、Ellipse-A航姿参考系统AHRS、Ellipse-E Ext.aided INS、Ellipse-N单天线惯性卫星组合导...
filtering with GNSS data — takes another step in the surveying industry by unveiling Qinertia, a fully in-house Post-Processing Kinematic (PPK) software. Whether the survey is made from a car, a UAV, a plane or a vessel, it will secure and enhance your acquisition, according to the ...
Qinertia Post-Processing Software SBG Systems’ in-house INS/GNSS post-processing software Quanta Extra GNSS-INS The most accurate INS/GNSS system for demanding survey applications Quanta Plus GNSS-INS GNSS-aided Inertial Navigation System designed for UAV and land-based surveying solutions Quanta...