We just put this entry here to yank Katie Couric's gold chain. SPV Self-Propelled Vehicle. A particular kind of train built by the Budd Company, intended as a successor to the RDC. You can get an idea of how successful they were from the other expansion that became popular: Seldom ...
An enzyme used by retroviruses like HIV, which reverse the normal direction of transcription (DNA to RNA) and thus install instructions for the virus components into the host-cell nuclear DNA. RT inhibitors are an important class of drugs used in the treatment of AIDS. RT Right (R) ...
As they say, timing is everything. As a general rule, wartime is bad timing. As it turned out (I asked my father) it was Rio, and the guy's name was Wilson. My father never saw this guy again, which seems to me just as well. For more on pumps, visit Grundfos. It's ...