``the implementation phase of academic reform [prompted many] `what ifs,' `how comes' and `why nots'.'' The reason for the confusion is that the ``entire academic-reform structure'' was cobbled together by the same kind of innumerate, incoherent, and inarticulate bone-heads who created th...
(I don't know, but FWIW, we've got an NFL veteran in my club and he's not bald.) Do bald men disproportionately take up bodybuilding to compensate for hair loss? Competitive bodybuilders are advised to shave their heads if they can't make their hair look good in performances (women ...
do kind have this face but it's an invisible face. The mirror makes the face faceless. The space Those works that I was showing at the talk, isn't empty, it's always reflecting something those orbs, that were called embodied heads, but often it's reflecting where the wall meets I ...
Then I hear her call for number 55 while holding a tray of food for one person. I was number 54 and noticed I was the only single-party guest there. We make eye contact and she heads towards me. She confirms my order with me and says ‘Sorry, for...
You can't imagine how hard it can be to get even the simplest idea into a cylinder head, or ``block head'' as we used to say. They never made skulls that thick. Open 'em up and it's obvious that they're basically just ``air heads.'' Ain't nuthin' under the hood. There ...
These attitudes distinguish people who have their heads on straight from people who do deconstruction. Deconstructionism is a religion which preaches the irrelevance of the personal motives of the author, and seeks perversely to find in every ``text'' the meaning that is the opposite of that inte...