EN 在关系数据库中,索引是一种单独的、物理的对数据库表中一列或多列的值进行排序的一种存储...
save-lisp-and-die ,但是可以从SBCL替补中使用它。您可以使用 :save-runtime-options键参数,该键参数保存--dynamic-space-size 和--control-stack-size my-exe runtime选项。例如,您可以从终端窗口中执行此操作,以创建具有自定义控件堆栈大小的可执行文件: $ sbcl --control-stack-size 5 \ > --load "my-...
资源管理:转储堆可以帮助程序优化内存使用,将内存中的对象保存到磁盘上,释放内存空间,从而提高系统的整体性能。 在SBCL中,可以使用(save-lisp-and-die "dump.core")命令生成转储文件,其中"dump.core"为保存转储文件的路径和文件名。加载转储文件时,可以使用(sbcl --core dump.core)命令来启动程序并加载转储文件。
你可以在sbcl中输入(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "文件名(如果不提供完整路径默认为当前目录)")将运行时保存到一个可加载的二进制文件中。 或者(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die "文件名(如果不提供完整路径默认为当前目录)":executable t)将运行时保存到一个stand-alone的可执行文件中,该操作与上面不同的地方是,...
;; SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE. #-sb-devel (!unintern-init-only-stuff) (do-all-symbols (symbol) ;; Don't futz with the header of static symbols. ;; Technically LOGIOR-HEADER-BITS can only be used on an OTHER-POINTER-LOWTAG ;; objects, so modifying NIL should not ever work, but it...
The dumpfile then creates an executable with save-lisp-and-die in sbcl or ccl:save-application in ccl. This ends the lisp subprocess. It deletes the dumpfile. The ASDF central registry is temporarily extended with the --asdf-path and --asdf-tree arguments at load time, and reverts bac...
Note that when running SBCL with the --core option, using a core file created by a user call to the SB-EXT:SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE, the toplevel options may be under the control of user code passed as arguments to SB-EXT:SAVE-LISP-AND-DIE. For this purpose, the --end-toplevel-options...
Load required libraries and our custom runtime. Make a single binary with sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die feature. I named it to bootstrap and restarts with aws-bootstrap-test:bootstrap, which is our bootstrap function. zip it. After that, aws_lambda_bootstrap.zip will be made. (Additionaly...
platform-support-platforms.lisp exportLC_CTYPE=en_GB.utf8 ## FIXME: this depends on the sbcl-$VERSION tag being visible on sf ## git, not just the local machine (because of the submodule), which ## means that the release.sbcl should have as its origin sf not ...
core文件就是一个环境镜像文件,它的作用就是解决脚本的依赖,提供一个运行时环境包,含了当时运行时刻所有状态,我们可以先加载所有的必须条件后,用sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die生成出的镜像文件。 由于cl-163-music符合asdf结构,此处我用了lisp的三方管理包quicklisp(类似于python的pip,nodejs的npm等等,至于怎么安装的...