优质材料: 这款头螺柱螺栓套件由耐用的铝合金制成,确保卓越的强度和耐腐蚀性,使其成为您的雪佛兰Small Block SBC发动机的可靠选择。 兼容性: 该套件旨在适合各种Chevy型号,包括SBC 350、265、267、283、302、305、307、327和400,以及庞蒂亚克和雪佛兰车型,如火鸟、克尔维特和卡马罗。
Set Gaskets set is not just limited to the SBC 355 rotating assembly; it's also compatible with a range of SBC engines, including the Weiand Xcelerator SBC, SBC motor mount bolt, and 400 SBC forged crank. The gaskets are designed to fit a variety of SBC models, making them a versatile...