In addition to the train journey you booked, this train ticket also includes a one-day pass for public transport at the city you’re travelling from or your destination city. The City ticket is valid for one day – you can buy it either online or at the station. If you want to use...
Enjoy unlimited train travel across Europe with the Interrail Pass. Available for European residents only. EurailEnjoy unlimited train travel across Europe with the Eurail Pass. For non-European residents and non-European passport holders only.
页面上方还有一个train information (有时候没有),我们可以看到该列车上车的这一站站台上火车车厢位置。瑞士火车站台大部分分成A,B,C…区域,这个信息会告诉你这列火车的2等车厢分布在哪个区域,1等车厢,餐车等等都分布在哪里,如果有NF或者轮椅标识的车厢,说明该节车厢可以无障碍上车(车厢和站台平行,对于拿行李的游客...
法国的铁路系统是由法国国家铁路局(Socicte Nationalc des Chemins de Fer Francais, 简称SNCF负责规画建造, 路线以巴黎为中心, 向四面八方放射织展,包含高速火车(Train a Grande Vitesse,简称TGV)路线,和通达各城镇的一般火车路线。在这些一般火车路线中,全国性的跨区路线被称为「大路线」(Grande Ligne,简称GL)...
Swiss Travel Pass One simple pass for train, bus and boat travel in Switzerland.Buy Seat reservations Buy Seat reservations Book seats on trains and in dining cars.Buy Enjoy unlimited travel with the GA Travelcard. Overview of all GA Travelcards GAEnjoy unlimited travel with the GA Travelcard...
your Pass before making your first journey. If you are travelling to Switzerland by train the ...
Want to know ahead of time if your train will arrive on time? Want to have quicker access to your ticket during ticket inspection? Want to be able to find your way better at the station and have reliable map information? We have good news for you! SBB Mobile can do it all. And much...
☞瑞士旅行通票(Swiss Travel Pass,STP) ☞瑞士半价卡(Swiss Half Fare Card) ☞少女峰旅行通票 ☞少女峰欧洲之巅门票 ☞铁力士山缆车票(含冰川飞渡吊椅) ☞哈德库尔姆 - 因特拉肯山顶缆车票 ☞格林德瓦 - 费尔斯特山往返缆车票 ☞冰川 Glacier3000缆车票 ...
. I was stuck out of the country during the European flight stoppage due to the volcanic ash and was able to use this app to help me get back home. Not only was I able to see what my train options were, but it also provided me with real time updates on the status of the train....
瑞士铁路发展虽然起步比较晚,约于1847年才开始发展,加上境内被高山峻岭所包围,难以发展铁路网,然而逻着高超的铁路工业技术及人定胜天的毅力,瑞士当局终使得瑞士成为全球铁路网最密集的国家,也成为欧洲铁路营运中心,「欧洲联营火车通行证」(Eurail Pass)即是瑞士联合其它欧洲国家共同发行的。