point to point class upgrade是升舱,就是说你因为其他种种原因,已经有了一个二等座的票(比如说买...
关于SBB瑞士铁路我7月底去瑞士6天,在瑞士境内会坐日内瓦-蒙特勒,蒙特勒-卢塞恩,卢塞恩-米兰三段火车。从我查到的信息看,提前一个月在SBB网站上可以查询supersaver超级便宜的车票,如果再搭配面值为120瑞郎的Half-Fare Travelcard, 还能再半价。同时,在买Half-Fare Travelcard时选择一张免费的STS Family Card,同行儿童还...
选了这个卡就可以 你也可以不选这个卡比较下价格就知道了
瑞士半价卡swiss half fare card的半价包括少女峰等山峰上的登山火车吗?从SBB的网站上看到的价格 有个选项reduction,没有瑞士通票swiss pass的选项,但是却有 half fare card的 选项,选择后,就能减半,是真的么?不是说瑞士通票上山 是75折么,这个半价卡居然是5折,岂不是很划算? 另外,想问问 瑞士通票 是包括......
halffare This software is in no way affiliated with, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by sbb.ch or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. halffareevaluates whether a SBB Half-Fare travelcard is profitable based on your online order history. ...
SBB also offers a variety of ticket types, such as the Swiss Travel Pass, Half-Fare Card, and Super Saver tickets. Onboard facilities include Wi-Fi, power outlets, and a restaurant car. The most popular routes for SBB are from Zurich to Geneva, Basel to Bern, and Geneva to Lausanne. ...
你还可能遇到一种票叫做supersaver,那种比point to point便宜,然后只能坐对应的班次。至于半价票你得去...