that sbatch was run from on the controller: slurmstepd: error: couldn't chdir to `/home/dean/src/slurm.example.scripts': No such file or directory: going to /tmp instead The sbatch docs say nothing about why the node gets the pwd from the controller. Why would slurm send a directory ...
我正在从一些使用SGE和SLURM的作业示例bash脚本中学习,我无法完全理解背后的逻辑。cwd # Current working directory对于SLURM,我们有#SBATCH--output=TestOutput.log 我了解到,如果您的qsub或S批处理脚本,#$或#SBATCH后面的内容将作为参数传递给命令< 浏览5提问于2022-05-17得票数 1 ...
3. If script is in current working directory. 4. If script can be resolved through PATH. See path_resolution(7). Current working directory is the calling process working directory unless the --chdir argument is passed, which will override the current working directory. OPTIONS...