型号 产地德国 厂商性质经销商 更新时间2023/11/7 11:09:52 访问次数875 产品标签 SBASBA电源DGPT2420 Nr. : 750-0010 索取相关资料 公司介绍主营产品 穗铖(厦门)科技有限公司设立于厦门经济特区,专注于为客户提供德国及欧美地区原产的各类工控机电设备、仪器仪表、零配件。确保100%原厂全新正品。产品覆盖:工业...
In general, the amphiphilic surfactant molecules form a liquid crystal by aggregation in aqueous solution [2,3]. The formation of the liquid crystal matrix strongly depends on the conditions in the solution. The structure of the liquid crystal is the so called mesostructure. Important parameters ...
In general, the amphiphilic surfactant molecules form a liquid crystal by aggregation in aqueous solution [2,3]. The formation of the liquid crystal matrix strongly depends on the conditions in the solution. The structure of the liquid crystal is the so called mesostructure. Important parameters ...
Open AccessReview by Eric M. Rivera-Muñoz 1,* and Rafael Huirache-Acuña 2 1 Centro de Física Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, A.P. 1-1010 Querétaro, Qro., Mexico, C.P. 76000, México ...