Asked about SB4, White House spokesperson Angelo Fernández Hernández said, "This is an extreme law that will make communities in Texas less safe. Generally speaking, the federal government — not individual states — is charged with determining how and when to remove noncitizens for violating im...
Julian Aguilar, Texas Tribune, June 7, 2017- "A 15,000-member association of attorneys and law professors said on Wednesday that it is relocating its 2018 convention out of Texas in response to the state legislature passing Senate Bill 4, a sweeping and controversial immigrat...
IDENTITY CRISIS: VEASEY V. ABBOTT AND THE UNCONSTITUTIONALITY OF TEXAS VOTER ID LAW SB 14INTRODUCTIONOn November 5, 2013, Floyd James Carrier of China, Texas went to his local polling...Sexton, Mary Kate