车辆编号:9544598083 中华H230 1.5 手动 舒适版 2012款 ¥4.20万新车指导价:5.58万 2016-03-13上架时间 2013-03上牌时间 4.3万公里表显里程 国4排放标准 预约看车进入店铺 > 联系人 :高先生议价电话:15618990085 看车地点:上海市嘉定区博园路969号 012F002002 ...
It thus blocks the right-but-not-virtuous objection to virtue ethics. Our account furthermore suggests a new way of thinking about the concept of a fully virtuous agent. Ideal agents, we argue, necessarily have certain unmanifested dispositions, and failure is a real possibility for them. 展开...
According to standard theory, the need for government results from the need for coercive third-party contract enforcement. This paper employs a game-theoretic approach to social interaction under anarchy to show that neither third-party nor coercive third-party enforcement is necessary for cooperation ...