摘要: 枣儿林硅化木是2005年11月下旬在湖北宜昌秭归教学基地野外备课期间,由郭家坝乡枣儿林村两村民在钓鱼回家途中作为奇异玩石捡回,随后笔者在郭家坝乡国土资源所邓卫平所长陪同下经实地考察后确定其产地坐标为:110°42',30°56'.关键词:湖北秭归 硅化木 枣 教学基地 湖北宜昌 国土资源 ...
The invention relates to a shifting device of a motor vehicle transmission, comprising a form of a hollow shaft, radial bores (5, 6, 7, 8) having the drive shaft (2), at least one on the drive shaft (2) is arranged driven member (3), one (in the hollow shaft 2 ) axially displa...
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