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H8M-630U 塑壳断路器 汇流排(以下简称汇流排)适用于约定发热电流至100A,交流50/60Hz,额定电压至415V的线路中,主要用于多台断路器进线端同相之间的联接,使同相的用电设备处于相同的电位,汇流排可与CB-60等小型断路器拼接使用。 免费服务热线:4006-733-731 ...
Hortlight 380V 400V PHIL-Style U shape 600W HPS Ballast without housing For Greenhouse and Hydroponics Hortlight Customized (Double Ended) DE Reflector (Single Ended) SE Reflector VG95 Aluminum Enclosed / Open Style Hortlight Compact Customized SE Reflector DE Reflector VG 95 Aluminum Enclosed / ...
Capacitive deionization (CDI), as an emerging eco-friendly electrochemical brackish water deionization technology, has widely benefited from carbon/metal oxide composite electrodes. However, this technique still requires further development of the electrode materials to tackle the ion removal capacity/rate ...
Search icon 0 item(s) Home/ Computer hardware monitors computer peripherals/ Motherboard/ DFi IC RM640 EL620-C SB630-C SB600-C SB630-CRM Industrial Motherboard Zoom Availability:197 In stockSKU NO:38548070936 USD563.75 Quantity: (197Instock) ...
江阴市科杰电气有限公司(原江阴市通用电器厂),创建于1988 年,是一家专业生产船用电气设备和自动化设备的企业。我们拥有先进的生产工艺及加工设备,雄厚的技术实力,精干的技术团队,严格的品质管理,完善的售后服务;坚持以质量为本,以技术开发为宗旨 ,不断开拓创新。目前我们与多家知名企业合作共赢,2009 年德国穆勒电气有...
Sonova Consumer Hearing recommends to always install the latest firmware version to ensure the best performance of your product.We have implemented the following:With the launch of an all-new operating system, AMBEO | OS, the AMBEO Soundbar receives a major update that expands its eco-system ...
The present invention is a two-wheel drive motorcycle. The drive trait that supplies power to the front wheel is modified to include a series of rigid shafts or other internalized drive systems. The front wheel drive consists of components located on the axis of steering within the head tube ...