Perfect moments come in every garden, though more frequently in some than others. To the very active gardener they may not be of great importance and usually they will be happy accidents, lucky moments when, chancing to glance up, the gardener will see that this or that grouping of plants ...
This saying is often used to express the idea that life isunpredictable and that unexpected events can happen at any time, no matter how much we plan or prepare. It reminds us that we should be prepared for the unexpected and be resilient in the face of adversity. 3. 不做亏心事,不怕鬼...
根据第二段"The idiom "through thick and thin" is used to describe a friend who is loyal and supportive during bad times as well as good times.It most often describes a friendship that has been strong for a long time.("同甘共苦"这个成语用来描述无论顺境还是逆境,朋友都是忠诚的、支持你的...
Similar thing with “on the rags”. It’s not the period itself, it’s a description of what’s happening. Rags = period. On the rags = on my/her period.”“Kays” are also used to describe kilometres. Humboles " content=""> at Reply Well, I agree English has a massive bank ...
These cute, funny, baby boy and baby girl inspirational quotes about babies sum up all of the joy and excitement that a new baby brings.
“I've always described my taste in fashion and music as being very eclectic and uniquely based off my feelings that day. That's the wonderful thing about style. You can be whatever you want to be. You can describe yourself however you want to describe yourself.” ...
(to describe a well-proportioned woman) "like two tomcats in a gunny sack" ...and Bob's your Uncle (British/Australian) is not big enough for both me and... 800-pound gorilla a bald faced liar a band of gypsies a band of renegades ...
Who knew when Yamaharolled out its hand-wound gramophonethat the device would be theinspiration for the Grammyaward? As sound technology continued to improve through the 20th century (especially with the invention of the radio), thegramophone morphed into the record playerswe know today. ...
The National Record News used the term Beatlemania to describe the so-called British Invasion of English rock-and-roll giants who would forever change American music and culture. The world had officially met John, Paul, George, and Ringo. You may also like: States that have accepted the most...
"Sauntering is a verb to describe a style of walking; it is not a sashay, prance, trot, or lollygag. Simply it is to walk slowly preferably with a joyful disposition. Sauntering has been spoken of most notably by many of the natuaralist writers in history including Henry David Thoreau ...