when at home, being attentive to the details of funerals and remaining sober at all times, these things have never caused me any difficulty." 15. When standing by a stream, the teacher commented, "It is possible for one to seem immortal like this stream which goes on and on, day and ...
Good manners and graciousness pave the way for future favors. Bad manners crumble the road. ~Terri Guillemets I remember when people dressed for special occasions, for weddings and funerals, for the theater, even for dinner. Makes you wonder — maybe civility starts to go out of style when ...
• "Always go to other people's funerals. Otherwise, they won't come to yours." • And last but certainly not least: "It's deja vu all over again." Did you like this story? In this story: Yogi Berra New York Yankees
To put on bridal garments at funerals, and mourning at weddings? For their friends to condole with them when they attained riches and honour, as only so much care added? ~Nathaniel Hawthorne It is good sometimes, as we jog along in our smooth-riding waggon of Progress, to steal our way....