Yalom's much hyped book came into my hands via a Greek-American friend who was at my home taking a break from caring for her mother and mother-in-law who are dying at home--my friend's home. After a few chapters, she put... J Mcgiffin - 《Existential Analysis Journal of the Soci...
when in doubt of what to say. Craft a complete sympathy message by pairing any of these short sympathy sayings with a lovely memory of the deceased and a specific offer of how you can help in their time of need, or use the following to build a memorialphoto bookfor the grieving family...
A bad beginning makes a bad ending; 8. As the call, so the echo; 9. Every bullet has its billet; 10. Curses like chickens come home to roost. Бзаджэруипэшэгъумэ, уианэмыгъуэхъунщ: If you befriend an evil person, woe unto your mother! Б...
The mountains sing… Their hoary peaks, in their snow-white fur hats, carry on a conversation among themselves. They are laconic witnesses of time long past. Even the stones here speak. The mountain peoples of the Caucasus imbibed the song of their native soil with their mother's milk, the...
Headstone Quotes and Sayings (Epitaphs) for Headstones and Grave Markers by Schlitzberger serve as an everlasting tribute to a loved one.