Explanation:Morning hours are the best time of the day to work. 6. 光阴似箭(guāng yīn sì jiàn) Translation:How time flies. 7. 时间一去不复返(shí jiān yī qù bù fù fǎn) Translation:Lost time is never found again 8. 明日何其多(míng rì hé qí duō) Translation:There is ...
_ about_ the passing of time is“白驹过隙". It means that time flies by like a white horse7. running (run) past a crack () in a wall. The saying comes from a book called Zhuangzi. In this book, it is8. said that Confucius came to Laozi to ask about the ultimate (终极的) 9...
Time Flies Quotes Tree of Life Quotes True Life Values Quotes What Is Life Quotes Wise Quotes about Life Witty Quotes It's a Wonderful Life Quotes Words of Wisdom Work Life Balance Quotes You Make Me Smile Quotes --- Anais Nin Quotes Marilyn...
Time flies.- Anonymous A man's good name is his best monument- from an old churchyard at Lockerbie, Scotland I wept because I had no shoesuntil I met a man who had no feet.- old Persian Proverb Diversity is the one true thing we all have in common.Celebrate it every day.- Anonymou...
S002Time flies like an arrow S003I walk my own path / I do things my way S004Action speaks louder than words S006When drinking water, always remember the source S007Creating one's own fortunes with bare hands S008Joined together by heaven (heaven made the union) ...
time loses its power over us.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie Time flies.- AnonymousThank you for visiting: Complete Sayings - Complete Quotes - Sayings about Complete. Please sign-up on the form below to receive my free Daily Inspiration - Daily Quote email. Thank you, Jonathan Lockwood Huie...
Time creeps, wals, runs and flies - it is all about moving things. Inside the gardener is the spirit of the garden outside. Dearly respect the lifestyle of worms. All enlightened beings are enchanted by water. Becoming invisible to oneself is one pure act of gardening. Priapus, lively...
Tempus fugit. "Time flies."Veni, vidi, vici. "I came, I saw, I conquered." The report sent by Julius Caesar to the Roman Senate after his battle in 47 BC against King Pharnaces II.Latin Abbreviations "EnglishClub made our classes so fun and informative" - Heloise, Maria Eduarda and ...
159. “If patience is worth anything, it must endure to the end of time. And a living faith will last in the midst of the blackest storm.”―Mahatma Gandhi 160. “Let us fear the worst, but work with faith; the best will always take care of itself.”― Victor Hugo ...
It went well but she still had butterflies in her stomach the whole time. She said speaking in front of a large group of people like that always made her nervous! "To have butterflies" means you feel nervous or excited about something. You might know the feeling of having but terflies ...