Next, I took some silk fibre which has been dyed in the same pot. Here is a photo of the fibre: Front view: Silk fibre. I can’t help thinking about Hubble when I see this photo! This time I set it onto a black background. I was so pleased that it adhered well to the fibre ...
Being a grandfather doesn't bother me, but sleeping with a grandma certainly does Being led down the garden path Belongs in a zoo Bend a few stories or yarns (lie) Bend but doesn't break Bend over backwards Benefit of the doubt
A dear husband, father and grandfather A devoted son A devoted wife, mother and grandmother A godly man who served the Lord all his days A free spirit A friend indeed A friend to all A friend to many and sadly missed A friend you have to buy won’t be worth what you pay for him ...
You have to do your own growingno matter how tall your grandfather was.- Abraham Lincoln This isn't a rehearsal or a practice life.This is your real life - your one and only real life.There are no retakes - no second chances.Begin now - live full out.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie If ...
this world to the primordial chaos of the Otherworld where all fertility has its roots, but they are still bound to the living by ties of kinship. It was hoped that, by strengthening these ties precisely when the natural cycle seemed to be passing through its own moment of death, the comm...