My most memorable New Year’s Eve was the inspiration for this scene from the now out-of-print book: TheGraduation Present.The main character, Riley O’Tannen, has to catch a New Year’s Day flight home out of Frankfurt Germany. However, she spends the night before partying and arrives ...
of clarke. and just like that, clarke’s post has become an unofficial yearbook for thrones cast members, a space for them to reflect on the good times and jot out melancholic goodbyes. all we’re missing is tyrion dropping in with an elevated version of “you rock, don’t ever change...
I am saying my goodbyes this month. I know where I will be living and working next year, but “where am I off to?” A sense of insecurity and uncertainty prevail. This may be part and parcel of being a lifetime expat, not having somewhere I can truly call home, where all of my ...