When a relationship is just starting out, it’s easy to get lost in your emotions and forget to think logically. You’ll see your partner as the best thing since sliced bread. Once the rose-colored glasses come off though, you might notice some special or unique quirks that your girlfrie...
“First time using this site and it is very helpful. Thank you.” “I think your symptom checker is the best thing since sliced bread, I appreciate the ease in use and how well you've narrowed down the possible problem.” “Thanks! It's keeping my worry in check. Got doc appointment...
It is the greatest thing since sliced bread as far as i am concerned. I hae been able to consolidate so many recipes into my software. It really saves me time in the kitchen. Question...will there ever be a Camp'n software?? thx for the great software!! Susan...
I’ve no money but I am part of a wine club thing, I have been since I drunkenly signed up as a student many, many years ago, then wondered where the case of wine mysteriously appeared from. I put some money into a wine bank account every month, I can’t really afford to and ta...