“世界上最糟的地方”:探秘叙利亚Saydnaya监狱 “你可以从一个人的脚步声来判断他是谁。你能从碗的声音听出是什么食物。如果你听到了尖叫声,你就知道有新人来了。当不再有尖叫,我们就知道他们已经习惯了Saydnaya。” “一座刑具建筑”:基于大赦国际重建的Saydnaya监狱“卫星”图。图片来源:DigitalGlobe Samer a...
叙利亚罪犯脱狱 获自由恍如隔世 叙利亚赛义德纳亚监狱(Saydnaya Prison)1. 位置经度: 36.1667° E 纬度: 33.7500° N2. 行政位置国家: 叙利亚省份: 大马士革省(Damascus Governorate)城市: 赛义德纳亚(Saydnaya),位于大马士革以北约30公里的地方。3. 历史建立时间: 赛义德纳亚监狱最初建于1987年,最初是作为一个军事...
I feel in Wissam a realization that all this was a facade. The illusion of the regime's power was as important to Assad as Saydnaya prison, as the multiple branches of the intelligence services, military brigades and their brutal physical force. That's why when...
Syria’s infamous Saydnaya Military Prison, dubbed a “human slaughterhouse” by human rights advocates, has swallowed tens of thousands of prisoners. CNN’s Clarissa Ward went inside the deadly prison where families were desperately searching for alleged hidden prison cells. ...
In a rare moment of unity in a country torn apart by over a decade of war, Syrians flocked to Saydnaya looking for answers. They rushed to the military prison after news broke that their long-time leader, Bashar Assad, had fallen....