《Say Yes to Jesus》 演唱:盛晓玫 词、曲:盛晓玫 专辑:脚步 旷野呼声收集整理 靠着耶稣得胜利,常常高举主的名 圣灵我要顺服祢,让祢作主掌王权 I say yes yes,say yes to Jesus Yes yes, say yes to Jesus No no,say no to 黑暗权势 黑暗权势不能近,得胜旌旗在我心 ...
Yes yes, say yes to Jesus No no,say no to 黑暗权势 黑暗权势不能近,得胜旌旗在我心 圣灵我要顺服祢,让祢作主掌王权 I say yes yes,say yes to Jesus Yes yes, say yes to Jesus No no,say no to 黑暗权势 I say yes yes,say yes to Jesus Yes yes, say yes to Jesus No...
《SayyestoJesus》有关声明 1.站内曲谱歌词均由作者或者网友上传发布以及网上搜集,若无意中侵犯到您的权利,敬请附上相关版权证明材料来信517858@qq.com联系处理。2.站内曲谱如果用于商业用途,请直接与词曲作者联系。3.词曲作者名字以谱面为准。4.词曲作者作品分类,由系统自动进行分类,同名作者作品难免混淆,如有...
日推歌单|“熟悉的感觉,我已经在纽约街头了”|《Welcome To New York》 03:32 日推歌单|“该睡了,心里出现乌云就应该早点踏入黑夜”|《Jesus Christ》 04:46 日推歌单|“烟和草莓都是好东西 一个让你迷醉一个给你甜蜜💓”|《Strawberries & Cigarettes》 03:21 日推歌单|“ 这首歌配上夕阳下的跨...
I say yes yes Yes to your love Yes to your freedom I say yes God Yes to your heart And all of your healing Your ways are higher Lord I surrender I come to you just as I am And say yes yes to Jesus You will rebuild You will restore God I believe You are wh...
Say Yes to Jesus The decision to say YES to Jesus is the most important decision of your life. If you have never or recently said Yes to Jesus, you probably have a lot of questions. Click on the button below to download a resource that will begin to answer your questions....
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