Chuckled 轻声笑道 Chuckled is a synonym for laughed, but is a smaller laugh. If you chuckle, something is slightly funny but does not make you roll on the floor with laughter. Chuckled 是 laugh 的同义词,但笑的程度要小一些。如果你咯咯地笑,有些事情有点滑稽, 但不至于让你笑得滚落在地...
7. He explains, I mean, I don`t sit calculating, `Now what is the most outrageous thing I can say? 他解释,我的意思是,我不坐算、'现在什么是最离谱的事情我可以说吗? 8. Shall we say six – in the hotellobby? 我们6点在旅馆大厅见面好吗?
To sob also means to cry, but is usually a heavier crying. It is often in response to an unfortunate thing happening. Sobbed也意味着哭泣,但通常是更沉重的哭泣。这常常是对不幸事件的反应。 “Even though the doctors told us mom did not have long to live, her death still was a shock,” ...
“Said” is more general. It means the words were spoken or declared. Below are a few synonyms you could use for “said” as well as examples of how you can add some descriptors. “Said”更普遍些。这意味着这些话被说出或被宣布。下面是一些可以用于“said”的同义词,以及如何添加一些描述性的...
Chuckled is a synonym for laughed, but is a smaller laugh. If you chuckle, something is slightly funny but does not make you roll on the floor with laughter.Chuckled是laugh的同义词,但笑的程度要小一些。如果你咯咯地笑,有些事情有点滑稽,但不至于让你笑得滚落在地上。“Yeah, I thought that...
The English translation of the word Pasivan is passive, and refers to the man who is penetrated in the anal intercourse, the bottom. Synonym:Furundžija. + Peder From pederast, faggot. + Pedercina(педерчина) Pedercina (педерчина) is one of many expressions derived...
First, the obvious: "Zero" is pronounced exactly how it's spelled. "Z-E-R-O" - say it out loud and you've got it. Now, let's get into some of the nuances of using "zero" in different contexts. In everyday speech, you'll often hear "zero" used as a syn...
hotter and more intense in all its meanings, which in this context means “much more faggot”. There are those who place in warm the origin of the slang Schwul (without umlauts), a derogatory expression at the beginning but which is currently a neutral term widely used as a synonym for...
Asynonymis a word or phrase with the same (or nearly the same) meaning as another word or phrase. While some of the alternatives below don’t necessarily have precisely the same meaning as “Nice to meet you,” they can communicate a similar intention with more creativity. ...
Chuckled is a synonym for laughed, but is a smaller laugh. If you chuckle, something is slightly funny but does not make you roll on the floor with laughter. Chuckled是laugh的同义词,但笑的程度要小一些。如果你咯咯地笑,有些事情有点滑稽,但不至于让你笑得滚落在地上。 “Yeah, I thought ...