»You Say Potato – I Say Fuck you« is a website and collection of pictures of anthropomorphic objects started by artist Clara Bahlsen in 2006.
Enjoy the little money you might scrape from this, like the scraping of the rhino horn in the party scene. What a jerk for not caring more. Or is it RINO? As the movie ended, and I sighed a sigh of relief, it defaulted to Gladiator. What a stark contrast. NB: As I conclude, ...
»You Say Potato – I Say Fuck you« is a website and collection of pictures of anthropomorphic objects started by artist Clara Bahlsen in 2006.
tools 🔧, black 🖤, #bag, #garbagebag, #noarms, #nolegs, #nomouth, #trash, #waste, #yspisfy
food 🥒, brown 💩, #afraid, #coffee, #eyebrow, #fourfingers, #handsup, #jazzhands, #mug, #openmouth, #running, #yspisfy
food 🥒, brown 💩, #eyebrow, #handsonhip, #highfive, #potato, #smirking, #vegetable, #yspisfy