People usually say “Hi” or “Hello”. They can also say, “How are you?” The answer is “I’m fine.”“Very good, Thank you,” or “Not bad, thanks.” In different countries, between friends, there are some popular (流行的) ways to say hello. What are the popular ways?
People usually say “Hi” or “Hello”.They can also say, “How are you?” The answer is “I'm fine” “Very good. Thank you.” or “Not bad, thanks.”In different countries, between friends, there are some popular(流行的) ways to say hello. What are the popular ways?★In ...
If you’re set on a mission to learn hello in different languages, here’s the logical starting point. European languages are among theeasiest languages to learn for English speakers. Between the Romance languages and Germanic languages, two of the major Indo-European language families, there’s...
[来自HiNative]Hi!正在学习外语的你 你知道如何提升自己的外语能力吗❓只需写下外语文章并让母语使用者更正!使用HiNative,免费让母语使用者帮你订正文章✍️✨ 注册新帐户 分享这个问题相关提问 How do you say hello? I've heard it said both ways. Which way is right? One or two? Are there...
77 other different ways to say hi in SpanishIn our guide below, we will list the English greeting followed by the equivalent Spanish greeting, followed up with the IPA. Now, let’s get into the greetings! Common greetings in SpanishEnglishSpanishIPA pronunciationHelloHolaˈolaHow are you?¿...
Well, they usually say "Hi""Hello" to each other. Some-times they also say "How are you?". The answer(回答) can be"I'm fine. ""Very good. Thank you." or "Not bad, thanks.".But do you know there are different(不同的) ways of greeting friends in different English-speaking ...
D How do people say hello in English-speaking countries? People usually say“Hi"“Hello". They can also say “How are you?" The answer is “I'm fine." “Very good.Thank you. " or "Not bad, thanks. "In different countries, between friends, there are some popular ways to say ...
Different Ways to Say HELLO Learn theways of greetingin different languages around the world: 1.Hi(English) 2.Dobre rano(Czech) 3.Halo(Indonesian) 4.Witaj(Polish) 5.Assalamou Alykoum(Islam) 6.Hej(Danish) 7.Selam(Turkish) 8.Kalimera(Greek) ...
Say "Hi" this way when you're surprised to see someone, or if you haven't seen them in a long time. It makes you seem excited. Why hello there. A man might say this to a beautiful woman, including his own girlfriend or wife if she's wearing something sexy. When you say this ...
When greeting a familiar friend or family member, many french people use “Salut” or “Coucou“. They areinformal ways of saying “hey” or “hi”. The response to “Salut” is very simple: you canjust repeat “Salut!”. Be careful never to use them with your boss or strangers!