Premium boats that push the limits of design and functionality. Experience luxury, performance, and make the most of every moment on the water.
Saxdor boats make heads turn and people talk – get comfortable with the attention. Performance Saxdor’s signature hull always takes the center stage in the design process. The two stepped deep V-hull effortlessly knives the waves and performs well in choppy conditions. The smart hull also ...
这世界上没有神话,如果要说有,那么芬兰萨克森Saxdor的“神话”来自于它的创始人-著名游艇设计师萨卡里·马蒂拉Sakari Mattila,在创立萨克森Saxdor之前,他已经成功创立四个世界著名的船艇品牌“Axopar,XO-boats,Paragon和 Aquador”。而芬兰萨克森Saxdor的品牌名称来自于他的名字和其中两个品牌字母的组合S=Sakari, AX...
LUXURY CRUISES - SAXDOR 320, Rate: ¥1,458 / hour, Minimum: 4 hours, Location: West Palm Beach, Florida, Type: Events & Powerboats, Capacity: 12, Year: 2023, Length: 33ft, Captain: Included, Rating: 5 / 5 stars (6 reviews), Photos: 8 , Bookings: 9
萨克森游艇(Saxdor)品牌是一家私营的芬兰优质游艇制造商,总部位于赫尔辛基。它的子公司Saxdor Shipyard位于波兰埃尔克。该品牌背后的团队经验丰富且屡获殊荣,创始人Sakari Mattila还创立了Aquador、Paragon、XO Boats和Axopar等品牌。 萨克森游艇(Saxdor)的船队由4个型号尺寸类别组成:20、27、32和40英尺的船,还有更多型...
Monitor and control your boat’s systems remotely, giving you peace of mind and ensuring everything is ready for your next day on the water. * * Available for boats equipped with the Saxdor Connect Hub. MySaxdor keeps you connected, informed, and ready to embrace the Saxdor lifestyle -...
Regal Boats 43 SAV - 终极探险船!钓鱼艇游艇| Ocean Reef 揭幕 41:39 全新Saxdor 340 GTWA 游艇- 许多炫酷功能! 16:21 2024 PRINCESS X80 机动游艇全程导览 34:41 价值310 万美元的全新巡洋舰充满了精彩绝技 | Azimut 62 飞行之旅 |摩托艇和游艇 15:10 这是VRIPACK 设计的价值 776 万欧元的钢制...
I have experience with speed boats, but their tips that they had were still incredibly helpful. They were more than happy to answer any and all questions and were constantly available in case we had any other troubles or had to end early (which we tha...
SAXDOR 270 GTOWe're always excited to test a new boat but on this occasion we're positively fizzing, partly because the Saxdor 270 is one of the most hotly anticipated sportsboats of the year but also because we've got two examples to play with. The first is powered by the entry-...