2024 Saxdor 270 GTO US$163,900 Pompano Beach, Florida View 53 Photos Engine MERCURY 200 V6 CMS Total Power 800hp Engine Hours 50 Class Center Console Length 27ft Year 2024 Model 270 GTO Capacity - Boat Details Description This popular Saxdor 270 GTO is new to the market and is loaded,...
萨克森(Saxdor)270GTO游艇新艇出售转让信息 全新的萨克森(Saxdor)270GTO游艇正式上市,这款时尚而豪华的运动巡洋舰堪称一大亮点。游艇总长达8.45米,宽度达2.6米,以154,995欧元的标价展现了出色的性能和舒适度。 这艘萨克森(Saxdor)270GTO游艇采用了米灰色的船体,外观高贵典雅。而内饰则以咖啡色和奶油色为主,为船舱...
SAXDOR 270GTO:击碎风阻,与空气博弈2024-01-31 15:43:25 来源: 海之蓝游艇 广东举报 0 分享至 特别声明:以上内容(如有图片或视频亦包括在内)为自媒体平台“网易号”用户上传并发布,本平台仅提供信息存储服务。 Notice: The content above (including the pictures and videos if any) is uploaded and ...
SAXDOR 270GTO:击碎风阻,与空气博弈海之蓝游艇编辑于 2024年01月31日 23:29 收录于文集 游艇品牌 · 85篇大昌行船舶 萨克森游艇 SAXDOR 270GTO 萨克森270 分享至 投诉或建议评论 赞与转发目录 3 0 0 0 0 回到旧版 顶部登录哔哩哔哩,高清视频免费看! 更多登录后权益等你解锁...
用户协议|隐私协议|营业执照 站点地图侵权投诉我要反馈加入我们广告投放懂车指数 Saxdor270 GTO真正的驾驶者之船.可达45节 Saxdor 270 GTO 发布于2023.6.21 17:10 次播放 大昌行船舶Han 关注0人7128粉丝 关注 评论·0 提交评论 暂无更多评论 热门视频
SAXDOR 270GTO:击碎风阻,与空气博弈海之蓝游艇 作者: 大昌行船舶 01-31 15:46 投诉 阅读数:2376来自专栏:游艇品牌 共165篇a 发布于 广东海之蓝游艇 海之蓝游艇拥有海之蓝游艇杂志及海之蓝游艇公众号的传播平台和知艇商城的服务平台!咨询热线:400 611 0102。 +关注 ...
SAXDOR 270GTO:目及皆风景 ·
SAXDOR 270 GTOWe're always excited to test a new boat but on this occasion we're positively fizzing, partly because the Saxdor 270 is one of the most hotly anticipated sportsboats of the year but also because we've got two examples to play with. The first is powered by the entry-...
We're always excited to test a new boat but on this occasion we're positively fizzing, partly because the Saxdor 270 is one of the most hotly anticipated sportsboats of the year but also because we've got two examples to play with. The first is powered by the entry-level 225hp Mercur...