sawbuck- a framework for holding wood that is being sawed sawhorse,buck,horse framework- a structure supporting or containing something trestle- sawhorses used in pairs to support a horizontal tabletop Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc...
During the 1800s, sawbucks were used in many American households. Most people had the X-shaped sawbuck in the backyard to cut logs into the size needed to burn in stoves. Unlike a sawhorse, which raises and supports wood for sawing, a sawbuck secures the wood in a cradle, mitigating ...
A folding sawbuck is disclosed that combines a cross frame design with integral vertical members, allowing a large quantity of logs or other wood to be cut into firewood at one time. The use of independant support assemblies, secure by horizontal members, provides an obstruction free cutting ...
This sawbuck saves time cutting and holds lightweight logs tightly in place. Este borrico ahorra tiempo al cortar y mantiene los troncos livianos firmemente en su lugar. Don't forget you owe me a sawbuck. Recuerda que me debes diez pavos. I got a double sawbuck says she don't bring ...
one time. The use of independant support assemblies, secure by horizontal members, provides an obstruction free cutting path that gives fast and safe cuts under all types of conditions, with all types of wood. The sawbuck is designed to be folded compactly for storage, and then opened for ...
sawbuck- a framework for holding wood that is being sawed sawhorse,buck,horse framework- a structure supporting or containing something trestle- sawhorses used in pairs to support a horizontal tabletop Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc...