Introducing SAVRpak Freshness Packs. Extend the life of your produce, at home! Buy Now Free Shipping! We're obsessed with food preservation because ending food waste is our mission. Annual Global Food Waste: $2.6 Trillion SAVRpak believes it can eliminate up to ...
Savrpak As to-go and delivery become more important to restaurants, SAVRpak is the solution to the #1 problem, soggy food. Great restaurants and chefs do their best to prepare food as it’s meant to be eaten, then these meals are stuffed into sweaty humid food containers where condensation...
SAVRpak解决了这个问题,将其放置在外卖盒、披萨盒或者纸袋中,可以保持运输过程中的食物新鲜。SAVRpak的工作原理是通过从容器内的空气中提取水分,将其转化为食物表面的冷凝物,从而解决潮湿的困境。目前已在20多个国家投入使用,出售给餐厅、杂货店等机构。 Elvie Stride 哺乳期妈妈也可自由出行 大多数吸奶器的笨重设计...