Free Save the Dates Before you purchase your save the date cards it’s good to see them in real life and not just on a computer screen. Many online wedding stationery companies will offer a free sample card so you can feel confident about ordering. If you are thinking about sending a di...
FREE 7-Day Sample of Ubiquinol CoQ10 Health Softgels! April 12, 2024Health & Diet In the realm of nutritional supplements, Ubiquinol CoQ10 stands as a potent agent for promoting overall health and vitality. As a crucial enzyme ... Get a FREE $5 Visa Gift Card & Prescription Coupons wi...
Step 1: Translate the Lat/Lon into location files. In the UK we define geographic areas with LSOA Codes. Each LSOA Code covers about 1500 of the population. I use a third party site to translate the codes and insert these into the csv file, which is then saved as a macro enabled Exce...
My project involves synchronizing transaction data between two different MySQL databases. Thesynchronizationneeds to be done through database triggers using phpmyadmin on a Hostinger VPS with CloudPanel. Key Requirements: - I just need sample triggers. Rest, I will take care myself. - Writing Inse...
Full reconnaissance and vulnerabilities scanning to a wildcard: ./ -w Massive reconnaissance and vulnerabilities scanning: ./ -w -m Sample video: passive reconnaissance 🎥 To do 🧙♂️ ...
News sites keep databases with articles and photos in them, perhaps referenced by topic and date. Search engines use unimaginably large (and wicked-fast) databases. Nearly every real-world commercial web application must be able to perform the four essential "CRUD” interactions with a database...
C# How to stop executing the current method, break? return? or some other? C# how to tell if Excel cell is formatted as a date C# how to use different timer with different intervals, but start and stop them at the same time C# How to use HttpClient await client.PostAsync to return ...
How can i group by a datetime field only using the date without the time? How can I handle a Bad Request in ASP.NET MVC How can I loop through Dynamic Object and get the value? How can I make this progress bar to work with my action controller? How can I pass parameters with @H...
Most items had already been discounted, with a Best Before date of the day I picked them up or the next day. A lot went straight in the freezer while I polished off the cauliflower cheese and chicken breast for dinner and used the peppers and mushrooms in next day’s lunch. Some items...
While PC trace is o, and the trace is in predication or general event profiling mode, trace hardware captures events in each cycle. Trace hardware inserts this information into data logs, and does a right shift to compact the data. The trace window will eventually close, either because tracin...