Saving Endangered Tigers… Saving Endangered Species: “Saving the Imperiled Malayan Tiger Needs Worldwide Support!” Global Tiger Day 2019 (aka International Tiger Day) has just gone by. Created in 2010 at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit, the “Day” was originated to draw worldwide attention...
Black market wildlife trading and illegal animal poaching is estimated to be worth more than 23$ billion a year. The illicit trade of endangered species by highly organized criminal syndicates affects countries across the globe, particularly areas with r
An international team of researchers has proposed establishing a lunar biorepository to preserve cryopreserved samples of Earth’s most endangered species, utilizing the Moon’s cold temperatures for long-term storage without human intervention. Led by Dr. Mary Hagedorn, this initiative aims to protec...
Managing Endangered Species The year 2015 was a challenging one for Earth's plants, animals, and other forms of life. Read more › The Hidden Treasures of Conservation As of January 1, 2016, there were an estimated 7.4 billion living human beings on the planet, each one in need of provi...
She has worked as a biologist in Florida, where she monitored wetlands and did field surveys for endangered species, including the gorgeous Florida Scrub Jay. She also received an ocean sciences journalism fellowship from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. She is a firm believer that science...
Science: It's a Question of Breeding ; Saving an Endangered Species Is Never Easy, and If There Is Only a Small Population In-Breeding Is a Problem. but Last Year a Group of Gazelles Were Rescued from Extinction Using Artificial Insemination. Could Animal Sperm Banks Be the Answer?
They’re fast becoming an endangered species, with a 53% decline in colonies from 1985-2005 in the UK alone. And this number shows no signs of abating. A combination of environmental and socio-political contributing factors is stripping bees out of our gardens and off of our plants. The ...
For nearly 30 years now I've worked professionally on conservation of Saola, one of the world's most endangered animals (certainly in the top 5). A beautiful, hoofed mammal with long, sweeping horns, Saola was discovered by science only in 1992 - it was the most surprising biological find...
and claw. I do not believe the common sparrow is an endangered species. I would be quite happy to see seagulls and town pigeons classed as vermin and have pest control deal with them. I do not think they are endangered either, they are just a very adaptable, very successful species. ...
In an effort to save the endangered Sumatran rhinospeciesfrom extinction, a team from the Max Delbrück Center has successfully grown stem cells and mini-brains from the skin cells of Kertam, the last male Sumatran rhino in Malaysia who died in 2019. The team’s goal is to use th...