There are several ways to combine your finances with your partner’s. Here’s how to determine if a joint bank account will work for you. Read more Options for people who don’t like to budget Watch video How to set a budget and stick to it ...
Now that’s a retirement account, it’s tax leverage. So you put money in that account that you’ve already paid taxes on and it grows tax-free and you can withdraw it under certain circumstances. But typically when you’re about to retire. So I max that out, it was $5,500 and i...
It reminds me of the former Sunday newspaper comic strip Family Affair, when mom and dad enter the house after a short errand only to find the place a complete disaster area and all the kids can say is, “Not Me,” and “Ida Know.” Whatever happened to checks and balances and co-...
Maybe you want to cover most of the cost, so your kids can learn about money without being burdened by student debt. Although Wealthfront Director of ResearchCeline Sunworked a part-time job through college, her parents paid for the majority of her education. “I think I will cover the tui...
The Employee Provident Fund Organization (EPFO) has come up with a fresh idea: more money should be deducted from your salary for Provident Fund (PF).They have announced this via a circular dated 30 November, 2012. Read on to get the full details, and how it impacts you. Provident …[...
The Tax Implications of Forming an LLC With an LLC, you may be eligible for additionaltax benefits. According to Cairns, the LLC is considered a pass-through entity for tax purposes, "meaning any profits or losses are directly passed through to the owner, partners or shareholders as income....
One status message (see above example) starts with the first line, “Your tax return is still being processed…” The other variation is your “We have received your tax return and it is being processed“ The word “still” is the key difference and can have signif...