Type: Bug 1- Open a python file 2- Add few lines of code to it. 3- Make sure Format on Save is checked and using autopep8. 4- Save the file. Expected Result: Quick saving of file Actual Result: File takes few seconds to save although it ...
Type: Bug Behaviour Expected vs. Actual I expect to save a Python file and not have to wait over 15+ seconds to save. Instead I get Getting code actions from ''Python'". Before, it used to be Jupyter getting on the way but after I uninst...
If anybody could provide me with a command similar to this that would allow me to achieve what I need. Thank you. I want to run a Python file easily via my terminal with a new command. Is there a terminal command like python "script.py" --save newname that would let me run script...
Anyways, I'm using this Model Config proto file. I converted it into python using this command protoc -I=. --python_out=. ./model_server_config.proto from Protocol Buffer page. Now I have some python files which I can import and work on. My objective is to create a file (for ...
Hi , i have a binary array to save in a specified location. all i want is to save that file in a predefined Path. (without a dialog box to the user
# Install the Python script on the switch. <Switch> ops install file riskwarning.py Configure a Python script assistant. # Configure a Python script assistant and register the CLI event in the script riskwarning.py. Wait for the event to be triggered. <Switch>...
You can construct a File from an existing Python file object like this: This one links to https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/files/file/#django.core.files.File which says name is The name of the file including the relative path from MEDIA_ROOT. And now all fixes are getting...
# Install the Python script on the switch. <Switch> ops install file riskwarning.py Configure a Python script assistant. # Configure a Python script assistant and register the CLI event in the script riskwarning.py. Wait for the event to be triggered. <Switch...
Models that use frames load fine, but saving the same model results in a corrupted model. Steps to reproduce Here is a code snippet that loads, saves, and then loads the saved model back import mujoco input_file = "load_save_model.xml" o...
Type: Bug made changes in file save it getting hanging notification with text Saving 'rooms.py': Getting code actions from ''isort', 'SonarLint'' (configure). VS Code version: Code 1.93.1 (38c31bc, 2024-09-11T17:20:05.685Z) OS version: W...