As one of the world's leading property advisors, Savills services span the globe, with 39,000 experts working across 600 offices in the Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Africa and the Middle East.
From in-town and out-of-town schemes, to high street, warehousing and single stores, we cover all parts of the retail property sector in all areas of the UK, operating from London, Manchester, Birmingham, Bristol, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Glasgow, Leeds and Aberdeen. The size of the team and...
Savills hires CBRE director for central London investment team Aug 22, 2024 James Hiatt is set to join the agency next year Aug 22, 2024Historic house owned by 'pioneering' Edinburgh girls' school for sale Aug 21, 2024Hiatt to join Savills’ central London investment team from CBRE Aug 20,...
1 CapitalAllowances 2014 WelcometothelatestissueoftheSavillsCapitalAllowancesConsultancyNewsletter Ourfocusinthisyear’snewsletteristoassessthefullimpactoftherecentlyintroducedFA2012 changestocapitalallowancesonxtureswhicharerelevanttoallcommercialpropertytransactions fromApril2014onwards. Thenewrulesrepresentasignicantch...