If you want to get more granular, you can choose to not sync the contents of the Electronic Arts folder, the Sims 4 folder, or any folder inside. First, make a backup of this folder; as above, you can store it on an external device, or in Downloads. ...
I've made the same family over and over again just trying to play the game and it'll randomly delete them. After a while, a bunch of my old households will re-download on their own. These are ones that either I've deleted myself or have randomly downloaded for no reason. This ...
How to Save Sims 4 While Frozen Transfer Games From PS4 to PS5 Where is the Stardew Valley Saves Location To transfer Stardew Valley Saves, first you need to know how to find the saves location of Stardew Valley Saves in the original device. Please read the following article. ?We have ...
The Sims 4's game cache is located at Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/ on both PC and Mac.1. Delete the localthumbscache.package file in this directory. This helps to "fix" some gameplay bugs.2. Go inside the cache folder and delete all files that end in .cache, but do not ...
Step 4: Here, you can toggle cloud saves on or off using the toggle beside "Enable Steam Cloud." Again, we highly recommend keeping this feature turned on! Editors’ Recommendations This Steam hack has saved me a ton of money on PC games The Sims and the Sims 2 Legacy Collections ar...
while posters have reported losing all of their supposedly backed-up saves at random intervals. It also becomes a bit of a hassle when someone has two PS4 consoles in the house, and in order to transfer save data between the two, they'll have to mess about with primary system activation...
When using the 4G LTE network during previous testing, I averaged download speeds around 20 to 25 Mbps. 5G Speed Test Results When you sign up for a low-cost carrier like Mint, you can expect your data speeds to be slowed down during times of network congestion. This is referred to as...
4. Phone Options Like most cell phone service providers, US Mobile gives you the option ofbuying a new phoneorkeeping your current device. I used an Apple iPhone 12 for my testing. To confirm that my device was compatible, I followed the instructions onUS Mobile’s website and entered the...
I had an issue where my saves were going to OneDrive, I deleted OneDrive as per the thread and the game seemed to be saving to C:\Users\chart\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Recorded Videos\ Then, I noticed the game had installed a pack I had chosen not to download (via th...
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