What we do read is that three thousand were baptized that day and that the Lord added those saved people to His church (verses 41, 47). That is what those people did when an inspired man answered their question, "What shall we do to be saved?" In short, unsaved people heard Peter's...
If you’re a not a Christian, please know the above is what the Bible clearly states. The above are not controversial verses. Christians who chose to ignore or go against these commands are not following God’s desires for them as a follower of Christ. ...
The Church members in the time of the Apostles were already holy, and as such, received the Holy Spirit. They were not 'called to be holy' as most translations added to the text of the New Testament. Read all the first verses of the Epistles of Apostle Paul. ...
Bible Theasaurus Faith(788 instances) Saved(201 instances) Topics on Saved By Faith Foreigners Saved By Faith Romans 1:5 Verse Concepts through whom we have received grace andapostleshipto bring about theobedience of faith amongall the Gentiles for His name’s sake,...
Once Saved Always Saved? A Documentary: Directed by Chris White. With David Bercot, Michael Brown, Douglas Jacoby, Scot McKnight. The film "Once Saved, Always Saved?" is a thought-provoking documentary that examines the controversial doctrine of eternal
is meant either the fruit and effect of the former, even newness of life and conversation, under the influence of the Holy Spirit; or else the gradual increase and progress of the work of grace upon the soul, renewed day by day in the spirit of the mind, by the Holy Ghost; or rather...
Verses 24, 25. - For by (or, in) hope we were saved; not are saved, as in the Authorized Version. The aorist ἐσώθημεν, like ἐλάβετε in ver. 15, points to the time of conversion. The dative ἐλπίδι, which has no preposition before it, seems ...
Expository study of Evangelism: God saves us apart from any human works by grace through faith, resulting in a life of good works.
In verses 42-45 the servant details how he asked the Lord for a sign of who the woman was that the Lord had appointed. He also points her out by name at this point and says you are this woman. He makes plain that it was not a coincidence or random action that he chose her but ...
The true meaning of the passage is that the grace Christ won on the cross for the forgiveness of sins can be applied to sinners at all times—on condition that they repent. The meaning of “once for all” in verse 10 becomes clear in verses 11-12, where the author contra...