如果调用了SaveChanges()方法而未使用AcceptAllChangesAfterSave,则必须调用AcceptAllChanges()方法。在交易操作中,如果允许用户在交易失败后重试,AcceptAllChanges()方法是非常有用的。 Call AcceptAllChanges() to accepts the changes on all associated entries in theObjectStateManagerso their resultant state is either...
Entity Framework在SaveChanges()之前拿到对象的自增长ID 现有两张表A、B在一个dbContext中更新,且A表的ID为B的外键, Insert(A); B.aid=A.ID; Insert(B); SaveChanges() 按照这个顺序就可以了满足要求,但是有前提条件,你需要提前根据EF规则将AB的关系映射好。 modelBuilder.Entity<B>().HasRequired(u => u...
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore v9.0.0 多載 SaveChanges(IList<IUpdateEntry>) 將所提供專案的變更保存到資料庫。 SaveChanges(IList<IUpdateEntry>) 來源: IDatabase.cs 將所提供專案的變更保存到資料庫。 C# publicintSaveChanges(System.Collections.Generic.IList<Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.IUpdateEntry> en...
Entity Framework Core 5.0, 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 在GitHub 上与我们协作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取请求。 有关详细信息,请参阅参与者指南。 Entity Framework 反馈 Entity Framework 是一个开放源代码项目。 选择一个链接以提供反馈: 提出文档问题 提供...
Most of the time the Entity Framework (EF) can manage transactions for you. Every time you Add an Entity, Delete an Entity, Change an Entity, Create a Relationship or Delete a Relationship in your .NET code, these changes are remembered by the EF, and when you call SaveChanges()these ar...
has to be retrieved in a context so that it is attached in context, a property is changed, EF knows a object's/entity's property has changed, the object is marked dirty and EF will save the object. As an example... var context = new DBProduct(); var...
C# Linq SaveChanges()报错 You have an error in your SQL syntex C# Linq语句报错, 原因:被操作表没有添加主键,导致EntityFramework将该表定义为只读; 解决:给该表添加主键即可。
When you call SaveChanges(), entity framework checks the ObjectStateManager to figure out if there are any objects that are not up to date (this is an in-memory operation on the context). If there are no changes to be saved, no communication to the database happens (you can check it o...