Fortnite Save the World Update 2.15.2022: Save the World has moved to the Discover menu and is now available in Performance Mode!
Save the World Challenges: Earn up to 1,000 V-Bucks by completing Save the World daily quests. Challenges unlocked after having completed the "Homebase Stormshield Defense 3" mission in "Save the World" Campaign. V-Bucks are in-game currency that can be spent in Fortnite. You can purchase...
Epic mentioned that refunds will be given for in-game purchases automatically, while Homebase, Schematics and Heroes may still be accessed on another platform. The next hearing, scheduled September 28 will decide whether Fortnite will be added to the App Store....
Quest Packs from Save the World will appear as a purple book: Before you can earn V-Bucks from starter packs and daily quests, you need to complete theHomebase Stormshield Defense 3 mission. Daily Quests will become available as soon as you complete t...
Gain access to "Save the World" PvE Campaign and Save the World Challenges that will allow you to earn up to 1,000 V-Bucks.
unlocked after having completed the "Homebase Stormshield Defense 3" mission in "Save the World" Campaign. V-Bucks are in-game currency that can be spent in Fortnite. You can purchase new customization items like Outfits, Gliders, Pickaxes, Emotes, Wraps and the latest season's Battle Pass!
TheHomebaseis your main base of operation in Fortnite Save the World. It is also where Storm Shield Defense missions take place. These require players to protect the Storm Shield Defense device and provide great rewards if successful. Ad ...
Quest Packs from Save the World will appear as a purple book: Before you can earn V-Bucks from starter packs and daily quests, you need to complete theHomebase Stormshield Defense 3 mission. Daily Quests will become available as soon as you complete the mission and each day you log in, ...
THE SHIRT SHOP a shirt guide for day to night, weekday to weekend. shop shirts → The Tee Guide Get the low down on all SKU tees. shop tees → SPRING OUTERWEAR shop lightweight outerwear → SKU Homebase Comfortable Lounge Styles: airy, effortless, and stylish. ...
Save the World joins Fortnite Crew benefits for May. Check the Event Store for returning Heroes! Also, The Robo Ray pack is now available.