所属分类:图书>童书>进口儿童书>Picture Book 绘本 本商品暂无详情。 价格说明 当当价:为商品的销售价,具体的成交价可能因会员使用优惠券、银铃铛等发生变化,最终以订单结算页价格为准。 划线价:划线价为参考价,划线价格可能是图书封底定价或该商品曾经展示过的销售价等,由于地区、时间的差异化和市场行情波动,划线...
1、 Unit 8 We are trying to save the earth. Unit 8 We are trying Man in NatureMan in Nature图片badly ill 图片badly ill small thingsbig thingssmall thingsbig things1Before you read1Before you readWhat can you see in the picture? An unusual house.Look at the pictures in 2b. Then answe...
Para2.Howtosavethesharks Para3.Talkaboutsharkfinsoup (设计意图:重在通过听力的输入,考察学生对文章的初步理 解) Task2Look、thinkandpredict Lookatthetitleandthepicture,thenmakepredictions. (设计意图:通过对题目和图片的审视,提出问题,考察学 生的预判能力,从而激发学生探究答案的激情) ...
1. Fifteen years ago.第一 第一 "Fifteen years ago, Planet Earth, a wildlife documentary, took us on an amazing journey from the rainforest to the sea. "知,电视纪 录片《地球脉动》播出的时间是15年前。 2. It opens with a picture of the Earth taken from the Moon. 第“Every episode ...
presentation show the picture of the earth and tell students the earth is polluted now. for example: (1) the factories that burn coal pollute the air with a lot of black smoke. (2) factories put waste into the river. (3) people should throw away litter in the bin. (4 5、)there ...
someways...Let'stakeactionnow!...OralComposition(口头作文).Lookatthepicturecarefullyandtalkabouthowtoprotectourenvironment.Lettheskyblue,letthewatermoreclear,letusstartfromthetrivial(小事).Theskyisabird'shome,theriverisafish'shome,theearthisourhome.Whatotherharmfulthingsdopeopledototheearth?当前位置: ...
Can we save the Earth?Satur《我们的星球》:行动起来,保护我们的家园NATURAL WORLD自然环境任务型阅读体裁:说明文难度:★★★建议用时:5mins实际用时:g mins Fifteen years ago, Planet Earth, a wildlife documentary, took us on an amazing journey from the rainforest to the sea. It celebrated the beaut...
2024年人教版九年级英语下册Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!公开课课件.ppt,Period 1 1a-2d Words;;Look at our earth!;Endangered animals;Serious pollution;Factories pour dangerous gases into the air.;Cars also pour dangerous gases into the air.;Noise
Can we save the Earth?Satur《我们的星球》:行动起来,保护我们的家园NATURAL WORLD自然环境任务型阅读体裁:说明文难度:★★★建议用时:5mins实际用时:mins Fifteen years ago, Planet Earth, a wildlife documentary, took us on an amazing journey from the rainforest to the sea. It celebrated the beauty...
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