Something as simple as a new mouse pad or a genius mug warmer can make all the difference during someone's workday. 8. Spend no money and share all of these freebies with friends! From a dozen free Krispy Kreme donuts for healthcare workers to a $10 credit to your Amazon account, ...
Instead of driving to work, look into public transportation options or talk with co-workers about a carpool option to save money. Next:Decrease your withholding. 12/42 Credit Decrease your withholding. A big refund on Tax Day feels good in the moment, but it can actually mean you're ...
Batch Similar Tasks:Group similar tasks together and tackle them in one go to minimize context-switching. This could mean timing all of your weekly errands into one big trip, or using the time you are cooking dinner to also chop and prepare the foods you'll need the following day/putting ...
Another drawback of precut or otherwise prepared food is that it typically has a shorter shelf life than whole foods. You can let a whole butternut squash sit on your counter for months, and it won’t go bad. If you buy cut squash, you’d better eat it within a few days to prevent...
Now that you have your food, you’re ready to get to work! Start by picking a day when you’ll have at least 1 to 2 hours to spend cooking (anddoing dishes). For me, Sundays are usually best, as I typically have some free time and I can put on a movie or football game and ...
Candy from the vending machine: There are times during the workday that you get hungry and just HAVE to go and buy something from the vending machine. If you’re doing this every day, however, it can add up – and take a toll on your health. Instead buy some of your own tasty and...
I’ve cooked in it once or twice a day since receiving it. It’s very easy to use and is powered completely by the sun. I save money I would have spent on electricity to run my kitchen oven and again by not having to run the AC to cool the house back down afterward. This means...
Buy cheaper foods. If all else fails… Step 10 – Go On A Working Holiday If you are struggling to reach your target consider a working holiday. This way you can lower your target and only need to save up enough for a flight and the initial start up costs (see here), then you can...