🐙章鱼大王帮大家整理了五个免费Alevel自学网站1⃣️Save My Exams专项练习问题和答案,大量的题库,有按章节分类的知识点。其修订说明涵盖了所需的测试点,详细的图标说明和考试笔记。2⃣️Physics& Math Tutor这个网站目前个人发现比较有用的地方是Solution Bank,有IAL 和爱德思本土的书上课后习题的详细过程...
I have just taken my last exams, so I have got some time for the next few months. It will take me a while to catch up with all the dross in the inbox, but when I’ve caught up with it I’ll find another post. Thanks to everyone who has continued to contribute the blog in the...