The route works fine if I remove the mongoose pre method. But I want to hash the passwords.Please help me on this issue.Thanks javascript node.js mongodb mongoose bcrypt Share Improve this question Follow edited Jul 7, 2017 at 2:59 asked Jul 6, 2017 at 14:43 Sum...
UPDATE: for100000records (similar to the ones used in examples), using bulk unordered method drop execution time from 2:42m to 1:42m. Not bad :) Debug This module is built withdebug, so you can inspect what's happening. On examples, you can do: ...
In multiple connections, we've been saving the connection twice when 'Connect' was pressed. The first happened alongside connecting, the other - after connection success - was due to unnoticed defaultshouldSaveConnectionin the connect method (used by single connections). This PR is removing the d...
2 Password doesn't hash before being saved into the db 1 Hashing password before update a user in mongoose 0 Cant insert hashed(bcrypt) password in mongodb using mongoose 2 How to hash password before saving user in node js and mongoose 1 Mongoose
The method save<T extends DeepPartial>(entities: T[], options?: SaveOptions): Promise<(T & Entity)[]> throws the error "duplicate key value violates unique constraint". The solution for me is to handle duplicates in my list before calling save() BaoPham92 commented Feb 19, 2021 You ...
I put the code in the write method inside try-catch block and it solved my problem.up down 2 joel the usual at sign then ¶ 15 years ago When storing sessions in a DB, it's usually beneficial to use an existing custom DB object, but this creates problems with ...
已弃用方法的替代方法是使用DBCollection.updateOne()或DBCollection.updateMany()方法。 DBCollection.updateOne()方法用于更新集合中的单个文档,而DBCollection.updateMany()方法用于更新集合中的多个文档。 这两个方法可以接受一个查询条件和一个更新操作作为参数。查询条件用于指定要更新的文档,更新操...
目前已支持的数据库有(主要):MongoDB,Neo4j,Redis,Hadoop,JPA等 SpringData官方资料(强烈推荐,文档非常详细) SpringData主页: 指南文档:非常详细) ...
The method for testing was limit the bandwidth between two nodes in our Galera test cluster (4 cores and 8GB of memory) to 300Mbit, force SST to happen on one node and then measure the time between the SST to start and the moment when the node has rejoined the cluster. The amount ...
This code calls thePerformDatabaseOperationsmethod which saves a newBlogto the database and then retrieves allBlogsfrom the database and prints them to theConsole. After this, the program writes a quote of the day to theConsole. Since the code is syncronous, we can observe the following ...