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user01/apras1+ (使用+ 来 替换 / ): /oradata/apras/替换成/user01/apras1/ 删除文本中的^M 问题描述:对于换行,window下用回车换行(0A0D)来表示,linux...在vi中处理:首先使用vi打开文件,然后按ESC键,接着输入命令: :%s/VM// :%s...
# Install wget -qO /tmp/savedesktop-native-installer.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vikdevelop/SaveDesktop/main/native/native_installer.py && python3 /tmp/savedesktop-native-installer.py --install # Remove wget -qO /tmp/savedesktop-native-installer.py https://raw.githubusercontent.com/...
open_agb_firm: https://github.com/profi200/open_agb_firm allows usage of the build-in GBA hardware Save files from here need to be 64-bit endian-swapped to work in a regular emulator: https://github.com/exelotl/gba-eeprom-save-fix Sega Saturn https://github.com/hitomi2500/ss-save...
iptables-save > iptables.current; vi iptables.current; iptables-restore iptables.current; service iptables save 管理iptable 的步骤 http://t.cn/RKvRHnh
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然而,有时候我们可能需要在退出一个命令或者终端之后恢复之前的工作状态。所以,是否有一种方式可以在退出命令或者终端后,不保存退出命令呢? 实际上,Linux操作系统提供了一种功能叫做"bash histappend",可以用来在退出终端后保存我们执行的命令。这种方式可以让用户方便地在重新打开终端时回顾之前的工...
To be more clear to people who got no idea about SSH and LinuxBash; for SSH use PuTTy. After you connect to VSCA IP address with PUTTY, try the vi linux command to visually edit the file! vi /etc/systemd/network/10-eth0.network 19. RE: VCSA install - Unable to save IP ...
You can use any editor, such as vi to customize the settings. Edit the .docusave server file with your site specific information before starting Docusave Server. When launching Docusave Server from a script or process, you must establish the directory containing the Docusave Server application ...