开启Save image as Type 扩充功能页面,点选右上角「这项扩充功能安装后浏览器右键选单会多一个「Save image as Type」选项。只要在图片点选右键,找到「Save image as Type」就能選擇把圖片儲存為 JPG、PNG 或 WebP 三種格式,而且也能在不同格式之間直接轉換。当使用者在WebP 图片点选右键,选择Save image a...
Save images as PNG, JPEG, WEBP Alfredo Grassau ¥22.00 截屏 简介 右键点击即可将任何图像直接保存为PNG、JPG或WebP格式到您的计算机! 无需费力的图像转换: 在网上遇到任何图像时,只需右键单击,您就可以看到“保存图像为类型”的魔力。只需几次点击,您就可以将图像转换并保存为最流行的格式:PNG、JPG和WebP...
• Updated: November 7, 2019 Save Image As Type is a freeAccessibilityExtension for Chrome. You could download thelatest version crx fileand install it. Save Image As Type ⇩Download Save Image As Type More Extensions to Consider (Similar or Related)...
SaveImageAsType是一款能够将WebP格式图片转换成为png、jpg等格式的Chrome插件,如今很多网站的图片另存时,都会变成WebP格式,这种格式普通的看图软件无法打开,有了这款插件就可以免除您的烦恼。。 Save Image As Type是一款能够将WebP格式图片转换成为png、jpg等格式的Chrome插件,如今很多网站的图片另存时,都会变成WebP格...
Save & convert image as type (1) 212 个用户 无障碍工具 获取 与你的浏览器不兼容 描述 Save jpeg, avif, jfif, webp as jpg, png or webp by context menu on image. Download all images from Edge immediately in jpg, png or webp formats. You can also download formats such as avif and jfi...
TIFF image, compressed Data Types:char|string formattype—File format 'fig'|'m'|'mfig'|image file format|vector graphics file format File format, specified as one of these options: 'fig'— Save the figure as a MATLAB figure file with the.figextension. To open figures saved with the.fig...
在Display窗口中,选择File→Save Images As→Image File,打开Output Display to Image File对话框。在这个对话框中主要选择以下参数:彩色清晰度(Resolution):选择24-bit Color或者灰度8-bit(gray scale)。 调整图像大小(Input Image Size):一个浮点型的缩放系数。输出格式(Output File Type):选择一种输出的栅格格式...
对我来说最大的好处在于:很多网站用 Google WebP 格式的图片,保存到苹果电脑上以后你就会发现,Mac 上看 WebP 格式的图片很不方便。有这个扩展,就能直接存成 JPG 或者 PNG 图片了。 下载地址https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/save-image-as-type/gabfmnliflodkdafenbcpjdlppllnemd...
public virtual int saveImage (string text1); Parameters text1 String Returns Int32 0 if the method was successful. Remarks The possible values for the Type parameter are those available in the ImageSaveType system enum. For example, you could save test.bmp as a .jpg file. 展开表 0 ...
Type the name of your slide image in the File name text box. Select Save. Save a single slide as an image In the slide thumbnail pane, on the left side of the PowerPoint window, select the slide you want to save. Select File > Save As (or Save a Copy if your presentation is sav...